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单词 block off 例句大全,用单词block off造句:

Your future self is just as likely to put things off. So block that sucker.
The fastest you ever travel is when you dive off the block and off the wall.
滑行最快得, 是你出发后下潜, 及蹬壁后得时段。
The oil pan bolts under engine block, where It'seals off the bottom of engine.
The fastest you ever travel is when you dive off the block and push off the wall.
So we can say that we are off the starting block, but far from the finishing line.
我们可以说, 我们已冲出起跑线, 但离终点还很远。
She reached for the dish towel hanging off the hook, but Todd angled his body to block her.
The love is like the breeze, can not ward off when it coming, also block not when it want to go
Form completion consists of a user completing a form by checking off boxes and entering information in block letters.
The driller slowly hangs off the traveling block or top drive in accordance with the derrickman's or floorman's signal.
根据架工或钻工的手势, 司钻慢慢的下放游动滑车或顶驱。
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单词 block off 释义

  • 单词释义:关闭, 封闭, 封锁  [更多..]



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