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单词 block up 例句大全,用单词block up造句:

Looking up at the sky the canopy drip For a party to the blue block.
仰望天空, 翠色欲滴的树冠挡住了一方蓝天。
The arbitrary waveforms operate on a block of up to 4096 complex points.
Insert block heater assembly into core hole with element loop pointing Up.
将电热器组合插入中心孔, 元件环向上。
Borehole Water Block up Grouting Technique Used in a Songlou Coalmine Slant
Maybe we have to block up the rear wheel. Fortunately we've got a spare wheel.
我们得把后轮垫起来, 好歹我们有个备用胎。
The declaration block is surrounded by curly braces and made up of declarations.
He was going to block up the mouth of the cave so that he could moult in secret.
他想寻一个窟穴, 躲了身子, 将石子堵了穴口, 隐隐的蜕壳。
The block of statements is made up of one or more simple and compound statements.
However, once enter practice, such and such problem block up is worn catch fulfil.
然而, 一旦进入实践, 就有这样那样的问题阻碍着抓落实。
Careers and lives are made one building block at a time, from the foundation on up.
事业和生活是从打地基开始, 一砖一瓦垒起来的。
If you match up against Aldridge with a smaller player, he'll go down to the block.
如果小个球员和他对抗, 他就拉到内线准备封盖。
And the only thing that came was creative block. I couldn't come up with any ideas.
Sludge can block the inlet or outlet to the radiator and prevent it from heating up.
It allows you to, on one city block, go up one full floor, so that it's on a continuum.
让你在一层楼 不断连续地向上
Then you would notice the long line of people lined up in front halfway down the block.
Adjusting and Driving Solve and Stop up Changing Direction of Water Flooding in W95 Block
Hereafter see own very of kid, see that bludger guard a gate in a little while to block up up.
以后看好自己的孩子, 看到那个混混就赶快把门给堵上。
Evening, the peach took me to a row to block up, not stingily say, want to eat what though point!
晚上, 桃子把我带到了排挡上, 很大方地说, 想吃什么尽管点!
And in putting package of one pouch salt in almirah, but a variety of block up when eliminate love.
Are those flags really needed To find out, hold a pencil up in front of you and block out the flaps.
要寻找答案, 拿根铅笔在面前屏蔽掉这些旗。
Understand the newest trends of virus and systematic flaw, block up on the flaw that the system exists.
The corresponding computer programme is drawled up, the model bank of orebody block solid is established.
编制相应得计算机程序, 建立了矿块实体矿化模型库。
Those of us that have been around the block tend to not get too worked up on any big competitor announcements.
The last point of interest for this section is the thread block times that are rolled up to the database level.
I think DKs may end up stacking a lot of dodge and parry just because they cant benefit from block percent or block value.
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单词 block up 释义

  • 单词释义:封闭; 堵塞;垫高;封锁  [更多..]



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