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单词 Bengal Tiger 例句大全,用单词Bengal Tiger造句:

Lulu, a blind Bengal tiger, was rescued from a circus.
Maybe so, but you can't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.
也许是这样, 但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。
Raj Maybe so, but you cant incinerate bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.
也许是这样, 但是不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧灰。
In India, massive habitat loss continues to devastate Bengal tiger populations.
在印度, 大量的栖地流失造成孟加拉虎的数量持续减少。
Subsequently, the Bengal tiger called out short, he hid in the bushes and ran away.
随后, 孟加拉虎短促的叫了一声, 便躲进了灌木丛里跑走了。
Swain said Forest guards had been sighting a male Royal Bengal Tiger in the Jadapola area for the past few weeks.
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