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单词 believe in 例句大全,用单词believe in造句:

I believe in working to achieve social justice and freedom for all.
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.
The men who really believe in themselves are all in lunatic asylum.
We believe in God, Father Almighty, Creator of heavens and the earth.
我们相信上帝, 全能的父, 创造天地的主。
As an anthropologist, I also believe in being a participant observer.
I believe in astrology to some degree, 'cause they're pretty accurate.
If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
若人们相信自己, 你会惊奇于他们无所不能。
The ally must be able to hear the Prayer and must believe in the Seven.
I am not an atheist, but I also do not believe in ghosts or evil sporots.
I never have a religion. I am an atheist. I dont believe in any religion.
我没有宗教信仰, 我是无神论者。
Look for charities that you believe in and to which you have some affinity.
It is also an affront to all those who believe in dignity and human decency.
I't really believe in capital punishment'm just playing the devil's advocate.
Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention.
I do not believe in an afterlife, although I am bringing a change of underwear.
我不相信有来生, 不过我还是随身带一套换洗内衣。
They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well.
Do you believe in UFO? I think there must be other creatures apart human beings.
We must believe in ourselves and believe that we can do whatever jobs admirably.
Teamwork We believe in working cohesively to achieve our shared vision and goals.
I did this ad. I don't believe in this kind of alcohol, but I do drink sometimes.
我做了这广告 我不相信这种酒 但有时会喝
The evidences argues that he is guilty, now you have to decide who to believe in.
God exists whether you believe it or not because God doesn't believe in atheists.
不错, 不管你相信与否, 神是存在的, 因为神不相信无神论者。
So, as an aside, I firmly believe in the field of trying to identify cancer early.
If I do not see the aliens with my own eyes, I will not believe in their existence.
We are empty of believe in unexpectedly an accident of flow to arrive Japan island.
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