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单词 belt up 例句大全,用单词belt up造句:

My belt is loose I didnt buckle it up tightly enough.
我的腰带松了, 我没扣紧。
Could you please belt up! I'm trying to study for the exam.
Please tie your safty belt up as the flight is launching now.
I had buttoned up the collar and tied the belt apronlike, in back.
我已经扣上了领子, 腰带也像系围裙带那样在背后系好了。
It's up to you. You can either use belt conveyor or use screw conveyor.
I waited backstage all dressed up in my black tights with a golden belt.
Therefore a child needs to be boosted up so the adult belt fits properly.
Standing up, he unbuckled his belt, and spread it laden across his waist.
the empress was wearing a belt made up entirely of pearls sewn into linen.
He asked, holding up a belt with the word kleptomaniac engraved across its buckle.
My husband lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to keep his trousers up.
Mix it up and put water in one Fuel Belt bottle and sports drink in the other three.
Field results show power twist can last up to 15 time longer than conventional v belt.
The black lump and belt most are made up of dark mineral such as amphibole and pyroxene.
I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of the finest gold around his waist.
我举目观看, 看见有一个人身穿细麻衣, 腰束乌法纯金的带。
In abandon farmland afforestation, can use soil preparation of channel of hold up fosse, level, dig the measure such as segregation belt.
在弃耕地造林, 可采用撩壕, 水平沟整地, 挖隔离带等措施。
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单词 belt up 释义

  • 单词释义:安静些,别讲话了;系上安全带  [更多..]



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