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单词 bankruptcy court 例句大全,用单词bankruptcy court造句:

And that the bankruptcy court had erred in allowing abandonment.
Mister Obama also said Chrysler will seek bankruptcy protection in court.
奥巴马先生说, 克莱斯勒将在法院寻求破产保护。
The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor.
General Motors escapes bankruptcy protection after 40 days of court scrutiny.
在进入法庭监管40天之后, 通用公司脱离了破产保护。
The court needs to make a property appraisal for enterprises applying for bankruptcy.
Article IX People's Court accepted a bankruptcy petition, the applicant may request to withdraw.
China's new bankruptcy law does not resolve the problem of judicial confirmation to the reconciliation outside the court.
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