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单词 black top 例句大全,用单词black top造句:

A line of black crows sat on the top of the wall.
The top and bottom color entries are set to black.
Add black bars on top and bottom of photo and it's done!
I have two black toenails, blisters on top of blisters on my toes.
Adjust the gradient so the lighter black is at the top of the shape.
Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black.
They made a big depot there, and put one large black flag on top of it.
A black trapezium is at the top of the ribbon drape and service ribbon.
Both the top and bottom surfaces are black and the midplate is pea green.
The tie has a black marking plate at the top, for writing any desired marks.
Using soft, black brushes with low opacity darken the page at the top and bottom.
In a minute he returned carrying a little black wand with a red berry on the top of it.
The judge dons the black cap with what looks like a penwiper balanced on the top of his wig.
He was a tall, thin man dressed all in black, with a cold, stony face at the top of the column.
他又高又瘦, 身穿黑衣, 上端是一张冰冷, 僵硬的脸。
Rhodiumplated snowman with clear crystal beads and black enamel top hat link chain lobster clasp.
The gilding Black caviar from France and flakes of edible gold foil are sprinkled on top of the seafood ball.
Mix Cognac, syrup, coffee in a stem glass. Stir. Ladle cream on top. There should be a perfect delineation between the black of the coffee and white of the cream.
混合三者入高脚杯, 奶油置其上。应该做到黑白相间的效果。
英文例句大全为您提供black top英文例句大全,black top英文造句,关于black top的英语句子,单词black top怎么造句,black top英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于black top,英语单词black top的句子,单词black top如何造句,black top怎么造句等。

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