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单词 bitter root 例句大全,用单词bitter root造句:

Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.
劳动虽苦, 收获却很甜美。
Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.
Work have a bitter root but sweet fruit.
劳动根虽苦, 然而果实甜。
Labour had a bitter root but a sweet taste.
劳动的根苦, 但尝起来是甜的。
Bitter is the root of growth, sweet the fruit.
There's this bitter root of unbelief and doubt.
Learning is a Bitter root, But it bears sweet fruit
Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit
学习是苦根, 却能结出果
Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruit.
Learning is a bitter root, but it bears sweet fruits.
The root of education is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
教育之根苦, 教育之果甜。
The root of Hard word is bitter, but the fruit is very sweet!
努力工作的根源是苦的, 但是水果是非常甜。
There's different types of the root that you can get called the bitter and the sweet.
这些根有不同的类型, 被称为苦的和甜的。
Bitter ginseng is leguminous vivacious fallen leaves inferior the root that bush plant joins painstakingly.
Indian in the North America makes it a rule throat to have a little uncomfortable of the time eat a little bitter root.
她太笨, 不懂得该流泪的时候就流泪。
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