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单词 bid on 例句大全,用单词bid on造句:

Application of English Model Auxiliary Verb and Model Verb on Project Bid and Tender Documents
One reflect on quota and pricing mode of bid bottom price for project engineering construction
Discussion on Problems of Base Bid Price of Civil Construction Project in Hydropower Engineering
Discussion on how to treat the method of choosing the lowest offer bid for construction enterprise
The letter of acceptance shall be legally binding on the bid inviting party and the winning bidder.
Research of Daily Generation Scheduling Based on Dynamic Programming Method and Different Bid Curve
Game Analysis on the Phenomenon of Sales Brokerage in Centralized Drug Purchase by Invitation to Bid
Here is the place where we have to bid goodbye, Then you ought to trudge on alone like water grass by miles.
此地一为别, 孤篷万里征。
Share price soaring on the news of the takeover bid or the news of the takeover bid sent share price soaring.
Influence of Winning Bid with Imbalance Quotation on Construction Cost and Its Prevention by Construction Supervision
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单词 bid on 释义

  • 单词释义:投标承包(某项工程)  [更多..]



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