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单词 biceps muscle 例句大全,用单词biceps muscle造句:

long head of biceps brachii muscle
superior bursa of biceps femoris muscle
A mission to gain weight. A mission to gain muscle. I have always dreamt of massive biceps.
这个任务是要增加体重, 这个任务是肌肉发达。
I am trying to gain more muscle in my biceps and triceps. What are the best exercises to do?
During Biceps Curl, Biceps Brachii is a muscle that is directly responsible fOReffecting a movement.
Intramuscular innervation pattern of the biceps femoris and location of nerve entry point to the muscle
The French midfielder, replaced in the 39th minute, has strained the biceps femoris muscle in his right leg.
Applied anatomy of the short part of biceps brachii muscle on treating dislocation of acromioclavicular joint
Ultrasonic orientation in extracorporeal shock wave therapy for inflammation of long tendon of biceps muscle.
Conclusions There was a tendon plate in Biceps brachii of rabbit, muscle fibers arranged into ringpennate shape.
Of the 16 patients who lost elbow flexor function 14 had recovered to more than grade 3 strength of biceps muscle.
Conclusion The operative method in which the biceps muscle semitendinous muscle are transferred to replace the guadriceps fe.
Of these, one case was treated by coracoid process with the pedicle of biceps brachii muscle short head and coracobrachialis muscle transposition.
The role of the biometry and morphology of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus in lesions of the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle
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