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单词 bewitched 例句大全,用单词bewitched造句:

It springs up from a fountain in the courtyard of a bewitched castle.
At the sight of her matchless beauty, both the princes were bewitched.
He must have been bewitched by the spring, the night, the apple blossom!
The wicked fairy bewitched the princess and made her fall into a long sleep
The boat seemed to be bewitched and turned its to point of thethe right one.
那条船象是着了魔, 忽而东西, 忽而南北, 就是不去该去的方向。
The wicked fairy bewitched the princess and made her fall into a long sleep.
那个邪恶的小精灵对公主施了魔法, 使她长睡不醒。
The wicked old woman bewitched the princess, and she fell into a long sleep.
那个老女巫用魔法迷住了公主, 使她长眠不醒。
He strove to tear himself away from the noxious siren that had bewitched him.
head back to save the inversebyfirehelp, alpine wetland bewitched by the wind.
回阳救逆, 补火助阳, 逐风寒湿邪。
He began to doubt whether both he and the world around him were not bewitched.
The question took me by surprise and I was bewitched, bothered and bewildered.
Dranda housekeeper of the Fu Family, bewitched by King Year and turned into a panda.
卧龙阿福家族的女管家, 被岁岁王变成熊猫
The conviction is said to have been based solely on statements by individuals claiming to have been bewitched.
This is the breakfast two slices of bread, one small piece of bread with raisins and a mug of water bewitched.
早餐是这样的面包两片, 葡萄干面包一小块, 淡茶一杯。

单词 bewitched 释义

  • 单词释义:对(某人)施魔法( bewitch的过去式和过去分词 );令(某人)心醉,入迷;魂迷魄荡  [更多..]



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