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单词 beyond repair 例句大全,用单词beyond repair造句:

Many contend that we have already contaminated the world beyond repair.
The edifice of the modern synthesis has crumbled, apparently, beyond repair.
现代综合大厦已经崩溃, 显然已无法修复。
Loss where the thing was insured had been destroyed or damaged beyond repair.
It seems that we cannot fix our relationship. Your case is not beyond repair.
看来我们的关系, 似乎无法补救了。你的情况并非无可挽救。
If things are beyond repair, this eclipse could mark the end of the relationship.
如果事情是无法修复的, 偏食会可能标志着此关系的结束。
Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.
The eggs looked a little sickly, and he was convinced he had damaged them beyond repair.
因为卵子看起来有些病态, 他以为它们已被自己损坏了。
When this happens the telescope will cool off and freeze, warping its structure beyond repair.
Could the International Space Station serve as a repair hangar for satellites or a way station for craft headed beyond its orbit
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单词 beyond repair 释义

  • 单词释义:无法修补[恢复]  [更多..]



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