the train hit the truck broadside the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it.
火车侧面撞上了卡车波浪从侧面撞上了独木舟, 把它掀翻了。
There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed.
The boat capsized and Murphy nearly drowned, but was saved by a female photographer who had been taking pictures nearby.
Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized.
当然, 广州队需要保持稳定的心态, 不能冒进, 谨防阴沟翻船。
With mouths agape and eyes distended, the audience listened to the canoeists incredible story of survival after being capsized by the rivers rapids.
划舟人从急流覆舟中死里逃生的奇闻, 令听众们都目瞪口呆。