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单词 cafes 例句大全,用单词cafes造句:

According to Internet cafes and wall space can be distributed to the design.
Where 10 years ago, sidewalk cafes were not allowed, they are now everywhere.
12 年前,人行道和咖啡厅被禁止,现在它们到处都是。
Bath is renowned the range and quality of its restaurants, cafes and tea shops.
Internet cafes provide a convenient location for gaming sites to sell online credits.
In Hanoi, bicycles and water buffalo have given way to motorcycles and internet cafes.
Patterns on the game show very timely and hip cafes, oh, this is your captain performers.
Melbourne's melting pot of culture is reflected in its restaurants, cafes, bistros and bars.
墨尔本的熔炉文化是反映在它的餐馆, 咖啡馆, 小酒馆和酒吧。
There are now more than one hundred science cafes at bars and restaurants in the United States.
但是我告诉你, 游泳可比坐在咖啡屋健康得多。
I do love practically every bits of French Concession, especially the little cafes tucked away.
我喜爱老法租界的每一个角落, 尤其是那些隐秘的小咖啡馆。
Explore the old streets with their art galleries, antiques shops and small cafes and restaurants.
不过, 千万别忘了尝尝溶化奶油干酪。
Having breakfast at your hotel and snacking at outdoor cafes are also conducive to making friends while munching.
After a short break to find the next eswc the playing field, we decided tomorrow to find tod said that Paris could play games of the Internet cafes.

单词 cafes 释义

  • 单词释义:咖啡馆,小餐厅(cafe的复数形式)  [更多..]



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