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单词 bump into 例句大全,用单词bump into造句:

It distracted me, causing me to bump into two young brothers.
我盯着气球出神, 不小心跟两个小兄弟撞了个满怀。
They might bong big to bump into things or fall over objects.
an explosive mine designed to destroy ships that bump into it.
I tried to avoid her, but it was just my luck to bump into her.
I bump into a stone, and kick it to one side purely physically.
我碰到一个石块, 便把它踢到一旁, 这是物质上的反应。
Tomorrow, they also will be able to bump into directly with us.
They might bump into things bomb intersects or fall over objects.
I hope you'll bump into my daughter, Rebecca, when you are there.
They might bone bingtal thing bump into things fall over objects.
Also, sometimes I am clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture.
而且, 有时我得动作很笨拙, 会掉东西或撞到家具。
Between Your eye and this page Hafiz is standing Bump Into me more.
You in Southeast Asia some country shopping, equally will bump into.
您在东南亚一些国家购物, 一样会碰到。
When you ride in the street you must look aboutlest you bump into someone
We meet, we don't meet, we take the wrong turning, and still bump into other.
It was embarrassing for him to bump into one of his ex girlfriends last night.
I was lucky enough to bump into Kapoor himself, and I asked him about his work.
我有幸撞上了卡普尔本人, 我向他请教他的作品。
When dancing, be free to express yourself but try not to bump into other people.
跳舞的时候要尽情地抒发自己的感情, 不过不要去撞别人。
I have the premonition I will bump into my English premonition, teacher once more.
我有预感, 我会再次碰到
When reading, you do not need to bump into the new word to look up in a dictionary.
阅读时, 你不必碰到生词就查字典。
Actually, let's just read this little bit where you've made them bump into each other.
We can bump into the situation frequently which the network does not pass, how manages?
Their muscles become stiff they stiff. They might bend bump into things or fall over objects.
If I was a stepping stone in the middle of the bridge, he would bump into me and I can touch him!
如果我被铺在桥的正中, 就能碰到他, 摸他一下了!
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