The buyers could increase the bid amount in multiples of 20 paise for every kg.
As buyers you are responsible for chartering steamer or booking shipping space.
作为买方, 我要负责租船或订舱。
You must avail yourself of every opportunity to approach your prospective buyers.
Advertisements for houses for sale often lead buyers on with misleading description.
Now you have everything you need go out there and captivate your audience of buyers.
现在你有了一切, 你需要走出去迷住你顾客得心。
The number of cases of cheating house buyers using real estate agencies is increasing.
利用房地产中介公司名义, 向买家行骗的行为突然急升。
This commercial-and-residential building with a top-quality look attracts many buyers.
Bespoke requests from individual buyers can also increase a Phantom's cost substantially.
The Buyers shall have the right to apply the General Administration of Quality Supervision.
We prefer to withhold quotation for a time. No other buyers have bid higher than this price.
Gift unit buyers, business acquisition and the General Manager and more excellent cooperation.
Warmly Welcome to the buyers home or abroad their attending at the 104 th Session Canton Fair.
Buyers couldn't come to terms with the car's styling, and its high price proved a bitter pill.
The antique fair is the biggest in Europe and attracts buyers and dealers from across the world.
We were trying everything possible to assure potential buyers that we stood behind what we said.
The chief function of directmail advertising is to familiarize prospective buyers with a product.
The company is prepared to trade off its upmarket image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers.
该公司拟改变只售高档商品的形像, 以吸引青少年顾客。
Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often theyll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost.
Note Changes to the garment, labelling, and packaging are not to be made without the buyers approval.
注意服装, 标识和包装, 非经买家许可, 不可擅自变动。
The buyers capital will be tied up from the time of remitting it until the goods arrive and are sold.
The buyers will pay for these securities with cheques drawn on their accounts with the commercial banks.
Secondly, the total amount of buyers invitation increased and buyers attendance expected to be stronger continuously.
二, 采购商邀请总量增加, 与会采购商有望继续向好
He abused his power and profiteers by selling much-needed goods to individual buyers in batches, so he was criticized by the leaders.
From this spring, two groups of apartment buyers from Beijng have visited and looked at the apartments of Vantone program in Tianjin.
开春以来, 陆续有两批北京购房团到万通天津项目考察看房。
Buyers who have a sense of history might not mind paying $ US 18,995 for the five-speed manual model and $ US 19,990 for the four-speed automatic - both in vibrant new colours.