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单词 buoy up 例句大全,用单词buoy up造句:

We tie up at that large red buoy.
Doesn't this sunshine buoy you up?
The party did little to buoy up her spirits.
I relaxed, letting the salt water buoy me up.
At turns, everybody bunches up as close to the buoy as they can.
在转弯的地方, 大家都尽可能往浮标的地方挤。
As the buoy moves up and down, a gauge registers the juice it produces.
Once in the water, the buoy will generate up to 150 kilowatts of power.
You can use empty oil barrels buoy up the boards so that you can get river.
你可以用空油桶把木板托起来, 这样你就能过河了。
But we must buoy up, is enduring the tribulation, goes forward unceasingly.
但我们必须重新振作起来, 忍受着磨难, 不断前进。
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单词 buoy up 释义

  • 单词释义:使浮起,使不下沉,使在空中飘浮  [更多..]



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