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单词 damaged goods 例句大全,用单词damaged goods造句:

Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.
请遵守我们得协议, 给我们调换损坏得货物。
Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.
You paid a third of that, and it's damaged goods after your reign.
你花了三分之一来买俱乐部, 而且现在还是你破坏过的。
The goods we ordered on February 12 have arrived in damaged condition.
You may as well claim with the insurance company for the goods damaged.
Goods which are easily damaged, in particular glasses, need special packing.
容易损坏的商品特别是玻璃, 需要特别的包装。
We are replacing the damaged goods and will send replacements carriage paid.
我们替换损坏的物品, 并且送被支付的替换支架。
Because they aren't delicate goods and not likely to be damaged on the voyage.
因为这些不是易碎易损的货物, 航行中不大可能被损坏。
Because they aren't delicate goods, and won't likely by damaged on the voyage.
因为这不是易损易碎的货物, 航行中不可能损坏。
We can make sure that these goods will avoid being damaged during the transit.
As the goods were damaged, she felt fully justified in asking for her money back.
因商品损坏, 她认为有充分理由要求退款。
Because them are nots't delicate goods and not likely to be damaged on the voyage.
因该这一些否则易碎易损的货物, 航行中不大估计被损坏。
Because they are not delicate goods, and will not likely be damaged on the voyage.
因为这些货不是易损易碎的货物, 航行中不可能损坏。
We have had no previous occasion for complaint that our goods have been damaged in transit.
Strengthen the Management of Easily Damaged Goods with Low Value of the Teaching Instruments
We offer courier service for fragile goods. and we'll pay the full price for anything damaged.
本公司承接易碎品特快专递业务, 如有损坏, 照价赔偿。
We are returning these two cartons of damaged goods and we request your immediate replacement.
The damaged goods train will have to be shunted onto a side line to make way for the passenger train.
If slightly damaged by termite eating, goods on a boat might decay; if heavily damaged, the boat might sink.
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