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单词 dazzled 例句大全,用单词dazzled造句:

The moth of a grey wing round dim bulb flitter, make person dazzled.
一只灰翅膀的蛾子围着昏暗的灯泡飞来飞去, 使人目眩。
hopeful young actors and actresses dazzled by the glamour of Hollywood
Pausing just inside this cavernous temple, we are dazzled and stunned.
一踏进这个深幽幽的圣殿, 我们就眼花缭乱, 目瞪口呆了。
It was a sea of molten copper, shining, so that the eyes were dazzled.
这是一片熔铜得海洋, 光彩夺目, 令人眼花缭乱。
American satellites have been dazzled by lasers fired from the ground.
Hopeful young actors and actresses dazzled by the glamour of hollywood.
We were dazzled by the endless array of beautiful handiwork on display.
The hopeful young actors and actresses are dazzled by the glamour of Hollywood.
You are dazzled by its outstanding coral displays, pristine white beaches, and crystal blue water.
你会为那独特的珊瑚群, 质朴的白沙滩及湛蓝的海水所陶醉。
Each became permeated with the other, they were enchanted with each other, they dazzled each other.
The bright lights in the hall dazzled me. The lights in the hall were so bright that they dazzled me.
He causes the eye which has become dazzled by the glare of earth to behold the heavenly constellations.
I fall back dazzled at beholding myself all rosy red,/ At having,I myself,caused the sun to rise.
盯着玫瑰红色的我自己,我后退,感到眩晕/ 此时,我让太阳升起。
All the other historians suffer from being somewhat dazzled, and in this dazzled state they fumble about.
其他的历史家都有些目眩神迷, 也就不免在眩惑中摸索。
At the same time, the splendid athletics scene also lets the human feel urgently is dazzled eyes cannot take it all!

单词 dazzled 释义

  • 单词释义:使目眩( dazzle的过去式和过去分词 );使惊异不已;炫耀,迷惑;看朱成碧  [更多..]



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