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单词 CPF 例句大全,用单词CPF造句:

Release CPF Savings for Hardship Needs
The project includes construction of one cpf.
No significant CPF effects were detected in males.
The CPF started off as a savings scheme for old age.
过去, 公积金有养老之用。
So leave your money in your CPF accounts to enjoy this extra interest.
A letter of clearance from CPF Board is required for completion of PR formalities.
One fire fighting station and one gas safety service are set respectively near the2nd cpf.
And when workers about to retire lose their jobs, they can dig into their CPF savings on time.
And when workers about to retire lose their jobs, they can dig into their CPF savings to tide them through.
快退休的人,则差不多可以 按时领公积金。
It is perhaps the right occasion to allow CPF account holders to dip into their savings to meet their urgent financial needs.
There is an even greater number of Singaporeans who do not see the need to save because they are already contributing to the CPF.
The CPF Board must be satisfied that the applicant has truly been retrenched by his employer, and not someone who chose to be retrenched because he does not feel like working.
申请者也须是真正被裁的员工, 而不是不想工作打算吃老本。

单词 CPF 释义

  • 单词释义: Computerized Physical Fit; Commander in Chie...  [更多..]



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