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单词 counter top 例句大全,用单词counter top造句:

counter top.
I was the first in line at the counter top.
Kitchen remodeled with granite counter top.
厨房已改造, 有花岗岩柜台。
Both bathrooms have new granite counter top.
I slipped on the wet counter top and let go off the pie.
我一下子在湿案台上滑倒了, 手中的果派也飞了出去。
Loosen the cap adaptor on the top of the bolt by turning it counter clockwise.
通过逆时针旋转, 松开螺栓固定器顶端的盖帽适配器。
But if you look carefully, the peanut shells did make it onto the counter top.
但如果你看的仔细, 会发现花生皮实际上是洒落在柜台上。
He leaned easily against the counter, legs crossed at the ankles, right one on top.
They also came up with their own diamond shaped midfield using Osman at the top just to counter Chelsea.
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