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单词 counter order 例句大全,用单词counter order造句:

Line up and walk the counter in order.
Excuse me, Mr. Li, where is the money order counter?
I want to send a postal order.Is this the right counter
我想寄一个邮政汇票, 是这个柜台吗
Buck I walked in and went up to the counter to place my order.
巴克我进餐厅, 到柜台去点东西。
Maybe we order our food at a counter, then a server brings it out to us.
The first company made a very attractive counter offer and won the order.
If you accept our counter, we'll persuade the user to place an order with you.
如您能接受我方还价, 我们就劝说用户向您订购。
If you accept our counter offer, we'll persuade the end user to an order with you.
Your counter offer is much too low especially considering the small amount of your order.
你的还盘太低, 尤其是这么小的订单量。
Your counter offer is much too low, especially considering the small amount of your order.
If his activities are counter to national security interests or the maintenance of public order.
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