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单词 cottage cheese 例句大全,用单词cottage cheese造句:

I like cottage cheese with fruit.
She is allergic to cottage cheese.
Add cottage cheese perhaps with some or onions.
加入松软干酪, 也可以加些韭黄或洋葱。
A tub of ICEcream, cottage cheese, margarine, etc.
一盒冰激凌, 农家乳酪, 人造黄油等。
Usually theyd be made with a bit of cottage cheese.
Sometimes you got a souffle, sometimes cottage cheese.
If you like cottage cheese, add some fruit andor yogurt!
Milk, buttermilk, and cottage cheese are excellent sources.
牛奶, 酪乳, 和酸奶干酪就是不错的选择。
Two tablespoons nonfat cottage cheese sprinkled with flaxseed
This process creates cottage cheese, the same cheese ancient people ate.
这个过程制成了酸奶干酪, 和早期得人们吃得奶酪一样。
Sounds great, only make it a scoop of cottage cheese with sliced tomatoes.
听起来不错,只加一勺芝士 配西红柿切片即可。
Small, low fat muffin, bagel with light cream cheese or low fat cottage cheese
An unripened cheese similar to cottage cheese but drier and firmer in texture.
Try yogurt with a peach, low fat string cheese with an apple, or cottage cheese and grapes.
试试酸奶的桃子, 低脂奶酪串同一个苹果, 或干酪和葡萄。
Scoop nonfat cottage cheese into a cantaloupe or honeydew half, and top with a dash of cinnamon.
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单词 cottage cheese 释义

  • 单词释义:(由脱脂凝乳制成的)松软干酪,白软干酪  [更多..]



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