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单词 COPS 例句大全,用单词COPS造句:

I asked the cops and they said he was arrested 20 minutes ago.
What a rumble, huh I barely got out before the cops got there.
吵死人了, 是吧?那些警察到之前我几乎没法离开那儿。
Well, let the cops rattle a few cages and see what shakes out.
Now, the cops found a bruise on his ribs when they booked him.
Research tells us buddy cops live in visually distinctive places.
The cops planted snow on Mike and then arrested him for carrying it.
It's good for your lungs, gives you a lift and nobody calls the cops.
After we talk to the cops, we're still going to White Castle, right ?
报警后, 我们接着去白色城堡, 对吧?
No, actually its called blackmail. Entrapment is what cops do to thieves.
Do you think any of the cops outside would like to do a little babysitting?
Did you find out these cops were skimming from the fund and blackmailed them?
Did you find out these cops were skimming from the fund and blackmailed them ?
The old one chucked a tear bomb at the cops and them did a bunk with the loot.
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent
You're sitting the dinner with your family, all of a sudden, the cops barge in.
你正准备与家人共进晚餐, 这时, 警察突然闯了进来。
Mike Ah, Benny and I are just ducking babes and chasing cops! You know, the usual.
Last chance before I call the guardsAnd now that I know you guys are actually cops
I called the cops to see if they could send a patrol car out just to check it out.
Cops here immediately confiscate our license and impound our vehicle too on the spot.
The cops were lacing into us and were raging that we had put two of them in hospital.
Make our case against Dalton and Reese more difficult by casting the cops as bad guys ?
But anyway, the cops down at the precinct charged Chuck with, receiving stolen property.
但是,管辖当地的警察 以收受赃物的罪名起诉恰克。
Call the cops, and handcuff them, then send the cops away, take him to an adoption place.
I need you to tell the cops you were having an affair and that I just beat up the wrong guy.
去告诉警察你有外遇 我想教训下那家伙,但是找错人了。
Status Offline The rear passenger compartment alone is enough to make experienced cops get tearyeyed.

单词 COPS 释义

  • 单词释义:Committees Organized for Public Service 公共服务委员会;Community-Oriented Policing Services 面向社区的警察服务;common open policy service 公用开放策略服务;coherent optical particle spectrometer 相干光粒子质谱仪  [更多..]



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