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单词 converter technique 例句大全,用单词converter technique造句:

Review of Internal Parts of Ammonia Converter and Its Energy Saving Technique
Development of Technique Process of Steel Taphole Integral Sleeve Brick for Converter
The converter campaign has been increased somewhat by use of high efficiency blowing technique.
在采用高效吹氧技术过程中, 转炉炉衬寿命有所提高。
The application of converter technique to control air pump noise source and power save analysis
The time division multiplexing technique and its application of the soft start and the converter
This paper introduces the new technique on slagging with biscrap pressed ball in place of fluorite for converter use.
Production practice in strip steel works adopting converter process and technique of hot conveying and charging continuous casting slabs
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单词 converter technique 释义

  • 单词释义:变换法,变换技术  [更多..]



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