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单词 bee 例句大全,用单词bee造句:

New Burt's Bees Baby Bee Bubble Bath. Cleanse and comfort your little bee, naturally!
新品小蜜蜂宝宝泡泡浴。天然清洁, 让您的小蜜蜂舒适干净!
Clinical observation on pain syndrome of condensing osteitis treated with bee acupuncture
Base solubization and acid precipitation were adopted to separate protein from bee larva.
研究采用碱溶酸沉原理, 对蜂幼虫蛋白质进行提取。
Bee pollen is one of the natural health products, and is known as the almighty nutrition.
Own beekeeping for 30 years, there are plenty of excellent bee propolis jelly bee pollen.
In mating season, Chinese bee drone and Italian bee drone have the same mating tour time.
This product contains honey. Do not use if you are allergic to honey or other bee products.
Bee Mucus can be used to cure various inflammations, bronchus asthma, pharyngitis and cold.
治疗炎症, 支气管哮喘, 咽喉炎, 感冒。
Solitary bee that builds nests of mud or pebbles cemented together and attached to a plant.
独居蜜蜂, 将泥土和鹅卵石粘在一起筑造附着在树上的巢。
Look how swollen my arm is. Yesterday I was sitting in the garden when I got stung by a bee.
Analysis and Evaluation of Main Nutrients from Bee Pollens of Caria papaya and Canarium album
番木瓜, 橄榄蜂花粉营养成分的分析与评价
Any of various aromatic plants of the genus Monarda in the mint family, such as the bee balm.
Clinical Observation on Treating Arthralgia of Extremities with Bee venom Injection in Points
Natural Infection Rate of Nosema in Forager Workers of Chinese Honey Bee and Italian Honey Bee
中, 意外勤蜂微孢子虫的自然感染率调查
The royal jelly acid is one of sign matters in the bee royal jelly, approximately composes is1.
Scanning electron microscopic studies of sensilla on the antenna of worker honey bee Apis cerana.
Goldplated bee and butterfly bracelet with Light Amethyst, Black Diamond and clear crystals in va.
News of 37th International Beekeeping Conference and Bee Products Fair of Apimondia in South Africa
Effect of Artificial Continuous Reproduction of Small Bee of White Moth with Oak Silkworm Chrysalis
Drinking some bee pollen mixed with honey every day is good for your health and can make you more attractive.
Studies on Pollinating Soybean Male Sterile Plant in Caged Plots Using Bumble Bee and Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee
This bee was unfortunate enough to land in my pool, but he made some amazing patterns buzzing around in the water.
Determination of water activity and pollen particles activity during the process from corbicular pollen to bee bread
Clinical Observation on 30 Cases of Infantile Anaphylactic Cough Treated by Bee Needle Combined with Chinese Medicine
Taking Bee Mucus can decrease blood fat and adjust blood pressure. It is the ideal supplemental nutrition for the diabetic patient.

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