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单词 cage bird 例句大全,用单词cage bird造句:

The fish in the net aimlesslyand down, the bird sings even in the cage.
鱼儿在网中徒劳挣扎, 笼中之鸟依旧歌唱。
Tired of watching it sitting unhappy in its cage, Ally set the bird free.
She noticed the other bird moving back And forth at the edge of the cage.
She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage.
Obviously,on top of the empty bird cage, there are 3 artificial red flowers.
Obviously, on top of the empty bird cage, there are 3 artificial red flowers.
显然, 在空鸟笼得上面有3朵红色得花。
A Summer Bird Cage immediately established her as a promising young novelist.
One Sunday morning, Li Ming and his grandpa were feeding their bird in a cage.
一个星期日的早晨, 李明和爷爷在喂鸟笼里的鸟。
Students are enjoying their winter holiday like the bird fleeing from the cage.
He was confined by the emperor, living like a fish in a pond or a bird in a cage.
Sometimes I am just like a bird in the cage and cannot fly high though I want to.
有时候我就像一只笼中鸟, 想飞可是飞不高。
It was like a beautiful bird flapped into our drab cage every last man at Shawshank felt free.
When taking pet birds out of the premises where they are kept, cover the bird cage properly with a piece of cloth.
How does this compare in kindness and cruelty and in the magnitude of enjoyment with the enjoyment of a bird in a cage, or of a fish in a jar!
比之盆鱼笼鸟, 其钜细仁忍何如也!
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单词 cage bird 释义

  • 单词释义:供玩赏用的笼中的鸟(如鹦鹉、百灵等);笼鸟  [更多..]



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