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单词 boutique hotel 例句大全,用单词boutique hotel造句:

I think it should belong to boutique hotel.
Welcome to Jinghu Boutique Hotel to enjoy your leisure and romantic life.
Welcome to Jinghu Boutique Hotel to facilitate your leisure or business tour.
In your opinion what are the difference of boutique hotel and typical chain hotel?
Some people dream of hanging up their briefcase and running a boutique hotel by the sea.
The hotelier also said it plans to launch its first boutique hotel in Asia in the next 18 months.
该公司还称, 计划今后18个月内在亚洲推出首家精品酒店。
Waldo, Macaos first boutique hotel, offers you a wide range of ways to find both zest and zen during your stay.
华都, 澳门的顶级精品酒店, 提供了让您留恋于此的多种选择
Give your boudoir the chic look of a boutique hotel with this set of soft, single ply 420TC cotton sateen sheets.
为您提供各类床上用品, 家居布置, 厨房工具。
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单词 boutique hotel 释义

  • 单词释义:精品酒店:精品酒店是上世纪末在美国等西方国家出现的一种专业酒店类型  [更多..]



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