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单词 book in 例句大全,用单词book in造句:

Its not easy for you to hunt for a reference book in such a big bookstore.
I have a book in accordance with the method, put wet towels on the mungbean.
I wonder what made the reviewer pass over this aspect of the book in silence.
How many lessons are there in this book There are twelve lessons in this book.
The Plum in the Golden Vase was known as a pornographic book in ancient China.
On the Relations between Zhenji Booklet and Yulin Picture Book in Southern Song
Once in a blue moon, you will find a valuable book in the secondhand book stores.
你几乎很少在旧书店? ? 有价值的书。
There is an introduction in the front of the book, which tells you about the book.
Use time long, the ray is soft, is the good assistant that reads a book in the evening!
At the front of the book is a table of contents, giveing details of what is in the book.
My book will be in the stores next year, the publisher accepted the book that I sent him.
First and second linings The two linings applied to the spine of the book in case binding.
第一及第二衬料造精装书时, 在书脊上所加的两层衬料。
The outlook is good for Scott Fetzer operations in aggregate, and for World Book in particular.
史考特费兹集团前景看好, 尤其世界百科全书更是如此。
You'd better put the book forward a little so that I can see the characters in the book clearly.
Disciple Jui Khin Yeo is completing a book in Chinese, The Blessing Light of Medicine Guru Buddha.
Teacher's book, in accordance with the contents of the student's book, provides systematic explanation.
Book century writing is swung everywhere, study by oneself in scheduled time in the evening absquatulate.
书本世纪笔墨到处甩, 晚上自习开小差。
When reading the book, we should keep at least a 25cm distance from the book in order to protect our eyes.
To believe unconditionally what the Book of History says is worse than if there were no Book of History in existence.
尽信书, 则不如无书。
There are written regulations in the unit that the leader's personal expenses shouldn't be registered in the account book.
This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the Life Book in hell.
This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the life book in hell.
Then he went home in triumph claiming to have spotted the book in the second-hand bookshop and ' beaten them down to two quid '.
Chen CaiXia intends to work as a freelance contractor whilst continuing to work on a new book in collaboration with academics in the UK.
This question, when put to readers on October 16, 1992, generated more than 300,000 responses which were published in a book in November 1993, on the 30th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination.
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