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单词 clever in 例句大全,用单词clever in造句:

Dog is a clever and loyal animal in the world.
Although he is clever, he is backward in giving his views.
他虽然很聪明, 却不善发表他的意见。
Such before, in deadbeat heart dark boast air hostess is clever!
I'm a clever boy between three and five o'clock in the afternoon.
Anybody who can make a living in show biz has to be clever and talented.
His belief that he was too clever to be caught in his doings was absurd.
Involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction.
涉及有心计的歹徒或者冒险家, 特别指一种小说样式。
He has been clever and fond of studying since he was young, and way ahead of his peers in study.
他自小聪敏好学, 成绩一直遥遥领先。
After the divorce, poor clever boy sleeps in the evening again and again, bedplate creaks creak rings.
People working in the industrial arts field are clever with their minds and skillful with their hands.
Being bogged down in crises, he who was always very clever had no choice but to feign confusion over the current situation.
在这种危机重重的时候, 向来聪明的他也只能装傻充愣。
And running and proved to be better in every facet clever triangulated passes, counterattacks, audacious moves and blistering shots.
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