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单词 clean up 例句大全,用单词clean up造句:

Please clean up the fragments of burned coals in the boiler.
I often tell my child to clean up his rice bowl when eating.
Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it.
It's a bill for manure clean up, resodding the football field.
这是清理马粪, 重铺草皮的帐单。
The bones will be carefully pot slag is necessary to clean up.
小心锅里会有骨头碎渣, 要清理干净。
The waiter hurried to clean up the pieces of the broken plates.
The nation calls for measures that can clean up global finance.
Singapore is clean because we have people to clean up after us.
More than 1,900 vessels are in the Gulf assisting in the clean up.
The PLA and our militia went out to clean up the outlying islands.
After the christmas dinner, we all pitch in to clean up the house.
耶诞晚餐後, 我们全都动手帮助清理房子。
After the Christmas dinner, we all pitched in to clean up the house.
He picked up the hair, and asked his wife to clean up after combing.
Please clean up a bit in the bathroom because it is quite a mess now.
请整理一下浴室, 那儿乱糟糟的。
Yuke Bomber Air Command, get with it. Clean up the sky for us already.
制空机, 跟上。早点为我们清除天空。
Clean up any beads of mercury by using an index card and plastic dustpan.
A pollution clean up will be partly to blame for such a temperature rise.
Clean up as best and frequently as you can when candy is being unwrapped.
A teacher and the school's caretaker are staying on to clean up the mess.
We need a broom to clean up the mess left when I knocked over the ashtray.
People can also calls a blockage when they try to clean up out their ears.
Grumpy Bunny doesnt like to clean up, but he always makes the biggest mess!
现在, 房子里已经乱得不能让他蹦跳了, 所以他这才开始打扫。
Everyone knows what broom is, it's something you use to clean up the floor.
In addition, bearing in mind that clean up litter on the backs of the brush.
另外, 要注意清理书背纸屑毛刷的使用。
Once you are done with that, Buzzer Hives will clean up infantry rather well.
一旦你做到了, 蜂巢会很好的清除步兵的。
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单词 clean up 释义

  • 单词释义:打扫;<口>赚钱;整顿;痛打  [更多..]



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