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单词 Citric acid 例句大全,用单词Citric acid造句:

Study on the quantitative model mass transfer in extraction of citric acid in the wastewater by the emulsion liquid membrane
The catalytic activity of rare earth chlorides for esterification reaction between citric acid and n butyl alcohol was investigated.
Generally, the calcium additives comprise suspensions of calcium carbonate in acidic aqueous solutions such as citric acid solutions.
Determination of Total Content of Citric Acid and Sodium Citrate in Erythrocyte Preserve Fluid by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
After addition of citric acid, the large pore fraction in hardened gypsum paste was increased and the pore size distribution was coarsened.
柠檬酸使石膏硬化体大孔增加, 孔径分布粗化。
英文例句大全为您提供Citric acid英文例句大全,Citric acid英文造句,关于Citric acid的英语句子,单词Citric acid怎么造句,Citric acid英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于Citric acid,英语单词Citric acid的句子,单词Citric acid如何造句,Citric acid怎么造句等。

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