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单词 class list 例句大全,用单词class list造句:

Class from the second list, and the
类, 从第四个列表中选择
The class list is posted at the cover playground
Refer to the class documentation for a full list.
有关完整的列表, 请参考类文档。
After she browsed through the list, she chose a baking class.
The device class has a list of drivers of that particular class.
The teacher listed all our names, so our class has a name list now.
老师列出了我们所有人的名字, 现在我们班有一份花名册。
There is not a right parenthesis following the class or interface list.
A schedule and list of assigned readings will be available on the class web page.
When overridden in a derived class, gets the list of eras in the current calendar.
An unspecialized class template cannot be used as a template argument in a base class list.
From our list of class responsibilities we can deduce certain attributes for our analysis classes.
A class that encapsulates the discretionary access control list and the system access control list.
classlist n list showing the class of degree achieved by university students in their final examinations
The teacher has deleted from the name list the names of the students who haven't shown up in class three times in succession, and they will not get scores for this semester.
英文例句大全为您提供class list英文例句大全,class list英文造句,关于class list的英语句子,单词class list怎么造句,class list英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于class list,英语单词class list的句子,单词class list如何造句,class list怎么造句等。

单词 class list 释义



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