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单词 car park 例句大全,用单词car park造句:

Williams had to scrounge enough money to get his car out of the car park.
I had to go early'cos it's a bastard to get your motor out of the car park.
They let people leave their bikes there but didn't allow us to park our car.
If you haven't got a night parking permission, you can't park your car here.
was trying to park his car yesterday when another driver got in ahead of him.
昨天当他要停车的时候, 另一个司机开到了他的前面。
When finished, it will contain about 130 apartments and underground car park.
As I recall, but correct me if I'm wrong, it was in a car park in Carmarthen.
Dont you think it would be a good idea to park the car near the shopping complex
The restaurant have six parking space allocate in the public car park next door.
在隔壁的公共停车场里, 这个餐馆有6个停车位。
The first one is knole and the first creatures greeting us the deer the car park!
For sale Antique ashtray shaped like a classic car. You can park your butts in it.
The car was then driven to Manitou Park, about two miles from the shopping center.
They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.
Leaving her bike in the Berkeley Chase car park, Mary hurried down the High Street.
Improved vehicle throughput and efficiency. Improved security for car park patrons.
提高商业效率, 加强保安及改善停车场收费管理。
Dr Rosenblum and his colleagues recently repeated the experiment outside in a car park.
A banner recycling bin has been placed in the car park of Bethlehem Hall since late May.
The site of the Mai Po car park and Peter Scott Field Studies Centre before construction.
Make sure the car is in Park and the parking brake is disengaged before you start the car.
Our night was disturbed by a fire alarm that necessitated everyone evacuating to the car park.
Back in the car, sit down to a quick meal, and then park myself on the couch to watch TV for a few hours.
回到车里, 坐下来吃个快餐便躺到床上看几个小时电视。
The new car park was initially designed with five floors, but it was then decided to add two more floors.
Please drive your car slowly along the special traffic lane into campus. Park your car at the right place.
An airconditioned walkway leads from the Arrivals Hall to the Regal Airport Hotel and multistorey car park.
It can be assembled again in the morning, but one eventually asks whether this is the most efficient way to park a car.
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