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单词 seal up 例句大全,用单词seal up造句:

Thus doth Allah, seal up every heart of arrogant and obstinate Transgressors.
Bind up the testimony and seal up the law among my disciples.
carbon catch and seal up for safekeeping
Effect of Maintenance Solution in Different Concentration Used to Seal up the Tube of Intravenous Indwelling Needle in Children
First, I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills sand.
首先, 我要把一天的时间珍藏好, 不让一分一秒的时间滴漏。
to seal up the contaminated utensils used for food and order the food producer or marketer to have them cleaned and disinfected.
When necessary, the People's Court may seal up or distrain upon the property of the defendant.
人民法院在必要的时候, 可以查封或者扣押被告人的财产。
Study of envelope materials used to seal up field equipment
You must seal up the envelope before mailing the letter.
They summed up all his previous existence, and in summing it up had put a seal upon it.
Seal up primer of basic resistant and moldproof for interior and exterior wall
Observation on the Effect of Using Whatever Infusion Fluids to Seal up Venous Indwelling Needle
Pls seal up after use it to avoid freezing.
乳胶使用后应密封存放, 防止乳胶表面结皮造成浪费。
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单词 seal up 释义

  • 单词释义:把…封起来;封住;密封;查封  [更多..]



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