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单词 refer to as 例句大全,用单词refer to as造句:

The people we refer to as Net Worms are addicted to the Internet.
所谓网虫, 就是上网上瘾的人。
The people we refer to as Net Worms are addicted to the Internet.
WU students refer to as traders, injuring him, justice was arrested together with the students.
However, the Englishspeaking people would prefer to ascribe such qualities to the horse.
They prefer to associate with young people.
I prefer to associate with friends their own age.
They prefer to associate with friends at their own age.
People prefer to associate with others who are like themselves.
Theres a special type of subgroup we refer to as a breakout subgroup.
有一种特殊类型的子组, 称为断接子组。
These contractions result in a quick intake of breath which is what we refer to as a hiccup.
这种收缩导致空气被快速吸入, 就成了打嗝。
This stretching of capacity is what most people refer to as stress.
There are always the old Petty cash pages to refer to as examples.
This first challenge is what I refer to as the persuasion challenge.
第一个挑战我称之为 说服
ultimately come down to a concept that psychologists refer to as elaborative encoding.
最终都能归化为一个概念 心理学家称之为精细编码
I'd like to introduce you to a man I refer to as hope and courage.
And then on the right is what I refer to as a footnote panel.
And that includes nature, and nurture, and what I refer to as nightmares.
那包括了天份,滋养 还有我叫做梦魇的东西
英文例句大全为您提供refer to as英文例句大全,refer to as英文造句,关于refer to as的英语句子,单词refer to as怎么造句,refer to as英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于refer to as,英语单词refer to as的句子,单词refer to as如何造句,refer to as怎么造句等。

单词 refer to as 释义

  • 单词释义:被称为,被认为  [更多..]



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