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单词 take account of 例句大全,用单词take account of造句:

to take something into account, take account of something
The group will take account of these results in setting forward work programmes.
This does not take account of those who perished by shipwreck.
We should also take account of difficulties.
It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation.
You must take account of her inexperience.
To take account of the age of the accused
The seer of clouds had to take account of it.
云的观察者必须 把它考虑在内。
In developing a design, one has to take account of many factors.
The government should take account of the interests of the disabled.
We must take account of his potent influence.
Youd better take account of your ability accurately before attempting to do such a business.
An adjustment has been made to the costs of equipment to take account of its residual value.
小组对设备费用作了调整, 以便考虑到设备的剩余价值。
This paper considers the coil aeolotropism, and take account of variation of coil radial elastic ratio.
Some students often take account of what their teachers and parents say and don't behave well.
一些学生常把老师与家长的话当作耳边风, 经常表现不佳。
Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.
Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.
We must take account of the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.
If governments want growth, they have to take account of the needs of the business community.
For this reason, it is essential to take account of transient stability constraints in systems operation.
The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.
There are two methods to take account of the contribution of negative energy states in the relativistic random phase approximation.
在相对论无规位相近似中, 有两种顾及负能态贡献的方法。
To do so would be counterproductive and would fail to take account of the nature of existing human rights standards.
这样做只会产生反效果, 不会计及现行人权标准的性质。
Mr Cheung did not take account of his activities participated in the draw, so they delete theemail.
张先生考虑到自己未参加过抽奖活动, 于是将邮件删除。
TCM treatment is the basic characteristics of nephrotic syndrome differentiation, but also take account of disease differentiation.
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