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单词 be committed to 例句大全,用单词be committed to造句:

The Sea wolf shall exalt the Worm, and the forests of Africa shall be committed to its care.
Arthur's drinking caused him to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
Be committed to build and sustain a profitable company.
The sponsor would be committed to pay the charity at the conclusion of the day.
to be committed to something/ doing something
尽忠于某事/ 做某事
Are you ready to be committed to a marriage?
A large fraction of species will be committed to extinction.
许多物种都将 走向灭亡。
And Beijing seems to be committed to allowing wages to rise in its export industries.
The data you have inputted could not be committed to the database.
If I have a girlfriend, I should be committed to her only.
They need not be committed to any particular form of property ownership.
to be committed to understand thoroughly of the customer intent and pursuing the customer satisfaction.
致力于彻底了解客户意向, 追求客户满意度。
Second, we will be committed to the comprehensive improvement of environmental quality of Beijing.
You must be committed to winning and working hard in a competitive sales environment.
If you choose not to reconcile the differences your changes will not be committed to the database.
如果您选择不协调差异, 您的更改将不会提交到数据库。
It should be committed to the consolidation of representative democracy as a system of government for all.
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单词 be committed to 释义

  • 单词释义:献身于,致力于;(后接名词或动名词,to是介词)  [更多..]



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