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单词 at the cost of 例句大全,用单词at the cost of造句:

We can not accept charity at the cost of dignity.
如果要以尊严为代价, 那么我们不能接受施舍。
He accumulated his possessions at the cost of losing friendship.
We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood.
It must be stressed out that the advancement at the cost of environment will severely penalize human beings.
And commercialization at the cost of aesthetics and morality.
I am now frequently astounded by human beings cupidity to amass fortune at the cost of conscience.
The army suppressed the insurrection at the cost of heavy casualties.
Why not use bond betas to arrive at the cost of debt ?
为什麽不使用债券的试用版, 到达借贷成本?
at the cost of.
At the Cost of Pain.
His parents balked at the cost of the guitar he wanted.
So here you are, that the cost of all this to the world is 87 million barrels of oil, give or take a few barrels, every day.
所以 你们看 世界石油的总消耗 八千九百万桶
If you look at the cost of developing drugs, how that's done, it basically hasn't budged that.
There was no stadium and European teams baulked at the cost of the boat journey.
If a gentleman can be free from temptation of profit at the cost of morality, no shame or disgrace will ever befall him.
君子苟能无以利害义, 则耻辱亦无由至矣。
At the cost of bowling over one young fellow I got through.
我一拳击倒了一个小伙子, 这才通了过去。
Buddha says, the chance we pass by this life is at the cost of 500 backglance in preexistence.
The owner of the manor lives in a villa built at the cost of the laborers' blood and sweat.
Overseas undertaking of MCC is built at the cost of blood.
But investors are growing restless at the cost of its search campaign.
In Matou Town Xilian and his troops fought them tooth and nail at the cost of hundreds of casualties.
Fame, at the cost of character, is dearly bought.
以牺牲人格而猎取名誉, 代价太高昂了。
The government has chosen growth at the cost of a higher fiscal deficit.
After they had finished eating. the clerk was surprised at the cost of the wine.
It also offers to edit the code for you at the cost of a click or two.
它还提供您编辑代码, 单击一次或两个的代价。
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单词 at the cost of 释义



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