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单词 over time 例句大全,用单词over time造句:

The ability to animate sheen and lights on text over time.
Writing of making vintage winespirit and mind become more and more abundant and deeper over time.
写作如同酿制陈年老窖, 时间越长灵感越多越深邃。
Over time, an implacable anger spread through the Democratic Caucus, and my colleagues would carefully record every slight and abuse meted out by the GOP.
Over time, her academic work began to spill over into activism.
Hover Time speed Accelerating the opening menus and windows preview applications.
悬停时的速度 加快开放的菜单以及应用步伐的窗口预览。
Over time the plants and animals change, accommodating the climatic change.
在一段时间里, 植物和动物会发生改变, 以适应变化了的气候。
Over time, a brush of the lips may have become a traditional accompaniment.
Over time, high cortisol levels cause belly fat to accumulate.
Over time, the small, hygienic acts of refactoring accumulate to make systems easier and easier to extend and maintain.
Periodically accumulated over time.
The behavior of apersonduring his lifetime, be if good or evil, is accumulated over time.
Over time, we can build great character achieve great success, and cultivate great virtue.
时间可以造就人格, 可以成就事业, 也可以储积公德。
When the skin surface sebum and blocked pores over time, acne will appear.
当皮肤表层的皮脂过量并堵塞毛孔时候, 痘痘就会出现了。
Their casual acquaintance developed over time into a lasting friendship.
This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice.
这是因为, 好听力不是一日练就的, 它需要大量的实践练习。
The acrylic silicone varnish shows a decrease, balance and an increase over time.
Your phone actually gets better over time.
Now over time, this is actually going to heat up the planet.
B. Taste acuity is developed over time after birth.
Little grains of sand can add up to a mountain over time.
日积月累, 要相信细沙也可以堆积成山。
OLIVE exhibits greater stability over time due to the addition of natural Tocopherol.
通过添加天然生育酚, 橄榄油得稳定性更强。
EVOIL ? ALMOND exhibits greater stability over time due to the addition of natural tocopherols.
通过添加天然生育酚, 甜杏仁油得稳定性很强。
WHEAT GERM OIL HSexhibits greater stability over time due to the addition of natural Tocopherol.
通过添加天然生育酚, 小麦胚芽油的稳定性很强。
Over time, there is a risk for adenocarcinoma with ulcerative colitis.
Over time the swings and racquet grip are adopted automatically.
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单词 over time 释义

  • 单词释义:随着时间的过去;久而久之;慢慢地,渐渐地  [更多..]



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