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单词 in the hope that 例句大全,用单词in the hope that造句:

Adam told his wife the truth in the hope that she would forgive him.
他一开口说话, 我就知道没有希望了。
We will be analysing all the things she has told us in the hope that we can locate the person responsible.
Farmers apparently hold back produce in the hope that prices will rise.
I came to play rock'n'roll for you East Berliners in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down. '
They emphasize his human qualities, in the hope that believers might better identify with him.
他们强调的是他的人性, 希望籍此能让信徒更亲近他。
She used to return year after year in the hope that one day Daniel would keep his appointment.
In European countries, owners have been able to sit tight in the hope that prices will recover.
而在欧洲国家, 业主们却能够安坐家中, 期待着房价回升。
He bought an expensive coat for a girl in the hope that she would yield herself to him.
I have made this point clear in the hope that it will be helpful in formulating our principles and policies in future.
The following proposals are put forth in the hope that they would generate more public discussion.
I submerged myself in a gathering of notes in the hope that I could keep quiet ins noisy neighborhood.
我把自己淹没在他们嘈杂的聚会中, 想闹中取静。
I underwent an operation in the hope that I could recover rapidly.
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单词 in the hope that 释义

  • 单词释义:怀着。。。的希望, 希望能。。。  [更多..]



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