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单词 In colour 例句大全,用单词In colour造句:

Early symptoms include leg pains, cold and feet and abnormal skin colour.
早期症状包括腿疼, 手脚冷, 以及异常得皮肤颜色。
The room was quiet and neutral in colouring, but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers.
室内色彩素静, 但是一盆盆的鲜花, 使屋子大为增色。
Study of Adaptive Digital Reduction in Colour Television
Hongdao has good advantage in Colour Coating, Machinery Equipment, Aluminium Composite Panel.
红岛以彩涂, 械, 业为三大产业。
Study on Extraction of red beans'skin colouring agent by macroporous resin
A Discussion of The Principle of Acid and Alkali Indicator's Changin Colour in Using Textbook
From my memory,almost all my dreams are in colour.
From my memory, almost all my dreams are in colour.
Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow.
Antares It is fiery red in colour and the biggest star in the Scorpion constellation.
European ink in colourity approximates to on a set of target points.
Raw coffee beans are green in colour and have no aroma.
生咖啡豆呈绿色, 没有香气。
Deep purple in colour with aromas of spices and vanilla.
Markedly golden in colour with exceptional aromatic qualities, body, mellowness and a good finish.
颜色金黄, 香味, 酒身和柔和感都相当特别, 馀味长。
Art tapestry, expressing Brightness and harmony in colour, adds attraction to your room.
Bright and shinning yellow in colour, this wine has an attractive nose of flowers, spice and peaches.
Product Description The Avocado, when ripe, has a dull skin colour and creamy yellow flesh.
中文描述鳄梨熟时, 暗色果皮, 乳脂状黄色果肉。
The chromatic composition of the stimuli was varied so as to modulate along different axes in colour space.
的刺激色组成各有不同, 以沿不同的色彩空间轴调节。
White jade balls in coloured glaze.
The narrow band of sapwood is very similar in colour to the heartwood.
Earlywood and latewood have a pronounced difference in colour, the latewood having darker, more sharply defined bands.
The facial skin is bare and black in colour hence its name.
Discrimination based on skin colour.
The wind, rain succoth rushed plain coloured bead, Muzzle smoke, fog of Fu swim walked satin.
风疏雨骤, 鹤冲素色珠帘雾笼烟凝, 凫游青灰缎幕。
This beer is a light yellow in colour whereas bitter is usually a darker brown.
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