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单词 in other words 例句大全,用单词in other words造句:

In other words, nonuse does not constitute abandonment by itself.
In other words, we abandon Hooke's Law, as I will show you also today with a demonstration.
In other words, the abnormality of human bioelectricity is the source all diseases.
也就是说, 人体生物电的不正常就是万病之源。
In other words,absolute strengths alone do not determine the outcome of a competition.
In other words, the percentage of poor and extremely poor households decreased in absolute terms.
In other words, one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
换句话说 许多事情之间 是没有绝对的关联的
In other words, the United States could not be absolutely impartial in these new circumstances.
In other words, the Soviet Union would abstain from a resolution favoring a simple ceasefire in place.
换言之, 对于一项赞同简单就地停火的决议, 苏联将投弃权票。
In other words, a whole bunch of states that are thermally accessible at equilibrium.
In other words, your position in life comes to seem not accidental, but merited and deserved.
换句话说,你在社会的地位不是偶然 而都是你配得的
In other words, when airing a quilt, you have to be more accurate than dancing a tango.
In other words he's accused of treason a high capital offense.
In other words, to achieve success is my only desire.
In other words, this is how you can achieve resource isolation.
In other words, the ground work of this paper is to achieve transient thermal field analysis with Finite Element Method of Lines.
In other words, that risk on the quarter acre needed to be repaid in a single harvest.
就是说, 冒的风险需要在一个年成里偿还。
they are, in other words, made from actual food.
一言以蔽之, 它们皆由真正的食物做成。
In other words, much of the Great Barrier Reef is an actual living creature.
In other words, only the actual packet payload data is subject to fragmentation.
换一句话说, 对碎片而言, 实际的包的负载数据是目标。
In other words, play is our adaptive wildcard.
The atavistic affection in other words is to increase fall and add its motivity.
隔代亲, 是加大了落差就增加了动力。
In other words, we have adhered to scientific socialism.
In other words, instead of going depthfirst , it goes through the adjacent elements.
换句话说, 它没有选择深度优先, 而是遍历相邻元素。
In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life's challenges.
In other words, every adult should ingest eight glasses of water daily.
换言之, 每个成人每天应当摄取8杯水。
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单词 in other words 释义

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