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单词 in the long term 例句大全,用单词in the long term造句:

absolutely in the long term.
An abundant supply of energy in the long term may hinge on its eventual success.
The results, in the long term, were academic success stories.
Accordingly, we can estimate the approximate value of the most superior rate of rise in the long term.
Both organizations are committed, however, to addressing these in the long term.
但这两个组织都决心从长计议, 解决这些问题。
The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.
We must aim for world peace in the long term.
In the long term, alcohol causes high blood pressure.
从长远角度讲, 酒精会导致高血压。
But probably, in the long term, much more important than charisma is the credibility which comes from authority.
或许从长远来看, 权威者的信誉要比感召力更重要。
Your Bone Health in the Long Term
In the long term of spaceflight, bone loss will be happens on the human's bone system.
在长期的载人航天中, 人体的骨骼系统会发生骨丢失的现象。
The time spent preparing a brief will pay off in the long term.
This is true to an extent, but the problem lies in the long term.
In the long term, we need to consider the enactment of legislation on recycling to build a circular economy.
长远来说, 我们必须考虑订立回收法例, 实行循环经济。
in the long term
One of the historical contributions of the Congress is to identify the three represents important thinking as the guideline that the Party stick to in the long term.
In the long term, I am optimistic about China's consumption growth.
Two schools of thought in the debate in the long term and some other trends converge.
How can we uproot crisis factors in the long term?
But in the long term, it is the most important issue out of this crisis.
但就长期来看, 这是本轮危机提出的最重要的问题。
In the long term. Failure to persist with reform would also be a danger.
从长期看, 如果不能坚持改革, 也将十分危险。
The U.S. dollar will be in the depreciation trend in the long term, he said.
他说, 长远来看, 美元将处于贬值走势。
Reorienting educational systems is an undertaking which will bear fruit only in the long term.
In the long term strategic concerns may ensure a future for liquefaction.
It is clear what should happen to establish parity in trading relations in the long term.
长远来看, 为建立对等贸易关系应采取的措施显而易见。
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单词 in the long term 释义

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