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单词 curl up 例句大全,用单词curl up造句:

Ah, wanted to go upstairs, curl up in a ball on the bed.
啊, 它是想上楼, 到床上蜷缩作一团。
It must be something that appeals to you and encourages you to curl up in it time after time.
它必须是能吸引你, 而且能促使你一次次蜷缩到那里。
You can curl up in an armchair, or in bed, with a good book.
I curl up in bed, eyes are the window overlooking the azure blue sky and yellow trunks.
I barter curl for curl upon that mart
On the battlefield such a coward like him would surely lie down and curl up.
在战场上, 象他那样的胆小鬼肯定会吓瘫倒的。
Let if whom cloud curl up beautiful to take place, flicker pleasant puzzled evil spirit, have more beautiful healths naturally.
bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain.
I like nothing better than to curl up with a good book.
Suddenly, pare off to have the strong wind on the ocean surface, curl up the billow.
忽然, 海面上刮起了大风, 卷起了巨浪。
A blow to the stomach made him curl up.
Must I curl up and sleep in my bunk with a black pearl
Be careful not to curl up the corner of the dictionary.
If goes the baby to the maternal family, valuable father and mother may also curl up rest the chafer to go.
如果宝宝到外婆家去, 宝爸妈也可以卷起睡垫带着去。
After I eat one I just want to curl up in bed.
Jessie Get some chocolate and curl up in bed until you feel better.
When I feel melancholy, I get some chocolate and curl up in bed alone.
The wind coldly passed over my face, I still like to curl up in low shrinkage corners.
风冷冷地划过我的脸庞, 我还是喜欢绻缩在卑微的角落。
I'd like to curl up next to a fire instead of this cold concrete.
我想蜷缩在炉火旁, 而不是这冰冷的水泥地上。
The corners of mouth curl upwards upwardly, diligently lets own smile.
I like to curl up on a couch with a good Book.
The baby would instantly either curl up with horror or smile pleasantly.
Round edges do not curl up
圆边, 不卷起角
You can't even like curl up on it.
Curl up in the fetal position, she spoons.
英文例句大全为您提供curl up英文例句大全,curl up英文造句,关于curl up的英语句子,单词curl up怎么造句,curl up英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于curl up,英语单词curl up的句子,单词curl up如何造句,curl up怎么造句等。

单词 curl up 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)卷;缭绕升起;(使)厌恶;(使)身体上[精神上]垮掉  [更多..]



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