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单词 come into play 例句大全,用单词come into play造句:

And how should it come into play when evaluating eyewitness accounts
在评估目击证词时, 这能发挥什麽作用?
The new rules have already come into play.
A variety of g - forces now come into play - your tries to tell your brain that something isn't quite right here, and moments later the ground suddenly appears from an entirely unexpected angle.
If approval had not been expressly granted, the principle of estoppel might come into play.
If an Aura cant come into play this way, it remains in your library.
如果某灵气不能以此法进场, 则它会留在你的牌库中。
The contraction completed, the effects on the autonomic nervous system may now come into play.
With heavier brake pedal application, the conventional friction brakes also come into play.
在急刹车时, 传统的磨檫刹车也起作用。
Many factors come into play when deciding on which topology should be chosen.
在决定选择哪种拓扑时, 有许多因素需要考虑。
Personal feelings shall not come into play when one have to make business decision.
This is where words like legacy, heirloom and devoted love come into play.
而这正是传统, 传家宝, 并致力于爱语在起作用。
How will diplomatic options come into play in a multiplayer match and allow the players to wield power?
Will time turners or divination come into play in some way again?
If higher resolution is required, the fluorescence dye molecules come into play.
This research put the emphasis on the female preferences which come into play when it comes to finding a mate.
The real existence of a military option will come into play.
This factor doesnt come into play in this case.
But there's another factor that may come into play here.
All your faculties have come into play in your work.
Personal feelings should not come into play when you are making business decisions.
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单词 come into play 释义

  • 单词释义:积极活动,起作用  [更多..]



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