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单词 be connected to 例句大全,用单词be connected to造句:

from being able to be connected to the Internet.
In addition to owners of personal computers, anyone with a car, mobile phone, personal digital assistant (P.D.A.) or TV will be connected to the Internet.
Must be connected to an adequate discharge line.
This type of MP3 player cannot be connected to alternating current.
Soon lightweight phones outfitted with high-resolution screens will be connected to satellites enabling people to talk, send and receive e-mail, or take part in video conferences anytime, anywhere.
And slowly coming to understand that the appeal of what I do may be connected to why I do it.
我渐渐的明白 我作品的吸引力 也许是源自我的做法
These appliances should not be connected to power supplies.
It specifies the maximum number of concurrent applications that can be connected to a database.
This pin should be connected to a defined circuit potential to assure rated DC performance.
Crop circles, when depicting a date, seem to be connected to astronomical events.
当描写一个期时, 麦田圈看起来与地理事有着关联。
Believed to be connected to a recent outbreak.
A check box may be connected to elements in a database using simple data binding.
Once the position has been fixed, the cable will be connected to a mainframe that can be moved.
已经确好位置了, 连接线将连接到一个可以活动的主机上。
Cannon cannot be connected to them.
This allows the outputs from one card to be connected to the other cards in the mainframe.
can be connected to the DATA IN of the next device to form a serial chain.
The charisma ascribed to Che seems to be connected to his raw passion and drive.
Stern shall be connected to solid floors of After Peak tank as per rules of classification society.
Click on these images can be connected to a content.
Can be connected to a component.
This configuration permits several such modules to be connected together in series, as was shown in fig.2.
The former part of the sentence should be connected to the later part through a conjunction.
When measuring the voltage, the red test pen should be connected to the positive electrode, and the black one to the negative electrode.
Often the computer can be connected to a printer to provide an instant printout.
By connecting a tribe of people who are desperate to be connected to each other.
通过连接同一个部落 急于相互连接起来的人们。
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单词 be connected to 释义

  • 单词释义:与…有联系,与…有关联;与…连接  [更多..]



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