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单词 be concerned with 例句大全,用单词be concerned with造句:

Of alvine ache female be concerned with disease of department of gynaecology?
Be concerned with Making up and presenting annual, monthly sales forecasts and reports.
参与制订年度, 月度销售预测与报告。
Chapter 16 will be concerned with interpretation and geological applications of the data.
For styling you would be concerned with the values for the class attributes of the template.
Be concerned with and take care of each other
互相关心, 互相爱护
Do not be concerned with it under no circumstance should you try to practice the staccato motion that way in slower tempos.
Do not be concerned with it; under no circumstance should you try to practice the staccato motion that way in slower tempos.
Don't be concerned with spelling and grammar.
But I do have to be concerned with those things.
Why would somebody that doesn't give a shit be concerned with that?
The program for this morning's session will be concerned with earthquake prediction.
The expression of BADH must be concerned with its promoter.
But I also knew that global thermonuclear war was something to be concerned with.
但我也知道 全球核战争并不是无稽之谈。
You have to be concerned with the public ramification of your actions.
What parts of this issue would they care about or be concerned with?
这个议题得什么部分是人们所关心感兴趣得 呢
What is leukaemia ?Does plaque decrease to be concerned with leukaemia ?
Said Sun Li Will spend time and energy to be concerned with stray animals.
To be concerned with or find fault with insignificant details.
We will not be concerned with the development of a general theory of finite elasticity.
Logic is usually said to be concerned with forms only and to derive the material for them from elsewhere.
人们常说, 逻辑只研究形式, 而其内容却来自别处。
The Foundation enabled me to get out of myself and to somehow be concerned with other people than myself.
基金会使我可以抽身出来, 可以关心别人多过自己。
Headachy epidemiology findings makes clear, have a headache to be concerned with sexual distinction.
If your computer is connected to the internet, you should be concerned with Spyware.
Headachy epidemiology findings makes clear, have a headache to be concerned with age structure.
All these changes might be concerned with the raising of induced disease resistance.
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单词 be concerned with 释义

  • 单词释义:参与,干预;关心;相干  [更多..]



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