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单词 made up of 例句大全,用单词made up of造句:

Penicillin is made up of plant material that the body can absorb.
Unlike sulfa drugs, penicillin is made up of plant material that the body can absorb.
与磺胺药不同, 盘尼西林是由人体可吸收的植物材料制成的
Made up of degreased gauze, strong absorbability, use easily.
Abstract History is a common memory, is made up of a genealogy of clues to be found.
提要历史是一个共同回忆, 其组成有一个系谱学之线索可寻。
A Flow Meter for Accumulation and Indication Made Up of8749 Single Chip Microcomputer
Work is made up of security control has achieved outstanding results.
Time is made up of minutes and seconds. Those who are capable of making use of odd time can make greater achievements.
Interactions are made up of Events, Cases, and Actions.
交互包括事件, 用例和动作。
And the actual roof is made up of a fiber.
Instead the pulse can be thought of as being made up of waves of many different frequencies added together.
This force is made up of tire, aerodynamic and gravitational force components.
这支部队是由轮胎, 空气动力, 重力分力。
An aesthetic and nostalgic set would be made up of the warming bowl, the sake jug, and two scenting cups.
Sophie agreed to participate in the charity banquet, Yang redemption will be made up of the diamond brooch to the pupil.
柔答应参加慈善宴会, 更托言将杨赎回的钻石胸针交予瞳。
While his audience is not always made up of prison inmates, he usually hopes the local Department of Corrections agrees to let him go behind bars when he visits a country.
Agriculture provides the economic base with major exports made up of copra and citrus fruit.
This symbol is made up of the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.
A fine line made up of alternate dots and dashes.
Be made up of be composed of consist of.
This amazing place is made up of residential houses, murals as well as pyramids.
America is made up of many peoples.
A molecule of ammonia is made up of one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen.
The bioregulator was made up of ammonium salt, thiamin and heat inactivation yeast.
The black lump and belt most are made up of dark mineral such as amphibole and pyroxene.
To Analyse the Comparison of Phrase Made up of Noun and Measure Word between Chinese and Korean
It is made up of anchorage steel plate, screw nut and anchorage steel bar.
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单词 made up of 释义

  • 单词释义:由…组成,由…构成  [更多..]



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