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单词 in the meantime 例句大全,用单词in the meantime造句:

In the meantime, would you sign in and register your ability
In the meantime, the person of frequent seminal emission also should be careful this kind sleeps appearance accentuation illness.
同时, 频繁遗精的人也要当心这种睡姿加重病情。
In the meantime you may access our English website.
In the meantime, the security forces accompanied the farmers during their farm work or harvesting.
同时, 治安部队在农民务农或收获期间负责其保卫工作。
In the meantime, the military drawdown of ONUB has proceeded in accordance with its adjusted withdrawal schedule.
Because in the meantime, emissions will have accumulated.
In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid.
But in the meantime, she became acquainted with a blond young professor.
In the meantime, let me give you some additional thoughts and ideas I have.
In the meantime, additional cantonment sites have been identified and are under construction.
与此同时, 还确定了并正在建造更多的进驻营地。
These patients in two groups were used glucocorticoids adequately in the meantime during petechiae appeared on patients eyelids.
In the meantime, send student vehicular traffic the safe hidden danger development adjoin greatly the bank check to greatly manage.
In the meantime, want problem of bequeath of pair of among them disorders, history, difference to adjust lowermost level.
In the meantime, taller colour lightness still adjusts effectively indoor light.
In the meantime the Obama administration is loth to raise the gas tax.
与此同时, 新一任奥巴马政府不倾向于提升天然气税费。
Our production was first moved there, too, as have our administrative departments in the meantime.
In the meantime, all admission materials and applications are available on our website.
In the meantime, Monseigneur Bienvenu had advanced as quickly as his great age permitted.
Explained the characteristics and advantage of Chien's brush stroke in the meantime.
In the meantime, Canadas erstwhile geographical advantage is, for now, its millstone.
与此同时, 加拿大昔日的地理优势目前竟成了它的重负。
In the meantime, summary gave to do well crops for rotation holds the experience with complementary advantage of joint manage interplanting.
同时, 总结出了一套搞好茬口衔接合理套种优势互补的经验。
In the meantime, he gave me a lot of good advice.
In the meantime how can we possibly afford to take a holiday.
In the meantime, outstanding to agonistic organization job unit beard and hair is outstanding constituent award.
同时, 对竞赛组织工作突出的单位须发优秀组织奖。
In the meantime, Canada is stepping into the void with a proposed bilateral trade agreement of its own.
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单词 in the meantime 释义

  • 单词释义:在…期间,同时;与此同时  [更多..]



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